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604.06 By Attorney in Application - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

604.06 By Attorney in Application

The language of 37 CFR 1.66 and 35 U.S.C. 115 is such that an attorney in the application is not barred from administering the oath as notary. The Office presumes that an attorney acting as notary is cognizant of the extent of his or her authority and jurisdiction and will not knowingly jeopardize his or her client's rights by performing an illegal act. If such practice is permissible under the law of the jurisdiction where the oath is administered, then the oath is a valid oath.

The law of the District of Columbia prohibits the administering of oaths by the attorney in the case. If the oath is known to be void because of being administered by the attorney in a jurisdiction where the law holds this to be invalid, the proper action is to require a new oath or declaration and refer the file to the Office of Enrollment and Discipline. (Riegger v. Beierl, 1910 C.D. 12, 150 O.G. 826 (Comm'r Pat. 1910)). See 37 CFR 1.66 and MPEP § 604.

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