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806.04(h) Species Must Be Patentably Distinct From Each Other - 800 Restriction in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111; Double Patenting

806.04(h) Species Must Be Patentably Distinct From Each Other

Where an applicant files a divisional application claiming a species previously claimed but nonelected in the parent case, pursuant to and consonant with a requirement to restrict, there should be no determination of whether or not the species claimed in the divisional application is patentable over the species retained in the parent case since such a determination was made before the requirement to restrict was made.

In a national application containing claims directed to more than a reasonable number of species, the examiner should not require restriction to a reasonable number of species unless he or she is satisfied that he or she would be prepared to allow claims to each of the claimed species over the parent case, if presented in a divisional application filed according to the requirement. Restriction should not be required if the species claimed are considered clearly unpatentable over each other.

In making a requirement for restriction in an application claiming plural species, the examiner should group together species considered clearly unpatentable over each other, with the statement that restriction as between those species is not required.

Where generic claims are allowed in a national application, applicant may claim in the same application additional species as provided by 37 CFR 1.141.

Where, however, an applicant optionally files another national application with claims to a different species, or for a species disclosed but not claimed in a parent case as filed and first acted upon by the examiner, there should be close investigation to determine the presence or absence of patentable difference. See MPEP § 804.01 and § 804.02.

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