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1001.01 Modes of Exercising Authority [R-2] - 1000 Matters Decided by Various U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Officials

1001.01 Modes of Exercising Authority [R-2]

The * authority >of the Director of the USPTO< to review and supervise the work of the Office is exercised by the promul­gation of the Rules of Practice; issuance of orders, notices and memoranda stating Office policies and modes for effectuating these policies; decisions on petitions by applicants; and by the designation of particular cases which must be submitted to the *>Director of the USPTO< or other officials authorized by the *>Director of the USPTO<. The present Chapter deals with the latter two items.

37 CFR 1.181(g) states, "The *>Director< may delegate to appropriate Patent and Trademark Office officials the determination of petitions."

The various delegations to various Office officials are set forth in this Chapter.

The delegations set forth in this Chapter do not confer a right to have a matter decided by a specific Office official, rather, such delegations aid in the efficient treatment of petitions by the Office. A delegation of supervisory or higher level review authority over a matter carries with it the authority to decide the matter ab initio.

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