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2406 Time of Making an Original Deposit - 2400 Biotechnology

2406 Time of Making an Original Deposit

37 CFR 1.804 Time of making an original deposit.

(a) Whenever a biological material is specifically identified in an application for patent as filed, an original deposit thereof may be made at any time before filing the application for patent or, subject to § 1.809, during pendency of the application for patent.

(b) When the original deposit is made after the effective filing date of an application for patent, the applicant must promptly submit a statement from a person in a position to corroborate the fact, stating that the biological material which is deposited is a biological material specifically identified in the application as filed.

37 CFR 1.804 specifies the time for making an original deposit to fulfill the requirements of 35 U.S.C. 112. For the reasons discussed throughout this section, it is recommended that a deposit be made before the filing date of the application. However, for the purposes of complying with the requirements of 35 U.S.C. 112, a deposit of a biological material may be made at any time before filing the application for patent or during the pendency of the application subject to the conditions of 37 CFR 1.809. Where a deposit is needed to satisfy the requirements of 35 U.S.C. 112 and it is made during the pendency of the application, it must be made no later than the time period set by the examiner at the time the Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due is mailed. A necessary deposit need not be made by an applicant until the application is in condition for allowance so long as the applicant provides a written assurance that an acceptable deposit will be made on or before the payment of the issue fee. This written assurance must provide sufficiently detailed information to convince the examiner that there is no outstanding issue regarding deposits that needs to be resolved.

These rules are equally applicable in the cases of international and national stage applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Insofar as the rules do not permit post-issuance original deposits, the failure to make an original deposit in an application cannot be cured by filing a reissue application or instituting a reexamination proceeding. However, if an amendment of claims in a reexamination proceeding raises the need for a deposit, an original deposit may be made during the reexamination proceeding.

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