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2406.02 Deposit After Filing Date - Corroboration - 2400 Biotechnology

2406.02 Deposit After Filing Date - Corroboration

When the original deposit is made after the effective filing date of an application for patent, an applicant is required to promptly submit a statement from a person in a position to corroborate that the biological material which is deposited is a biological material specifically identified in the application (the filing date of which is relied upon) as filed. The nature of this corroboration will depend on the circumstances in the particular application under consideration, including the length of time between the application filing date and the date of deposit. While few, if any, situations can be imagined where the description requirement of 35 U.S.C. 112 can be satisfied where the biological material was not in existence at the time of filing, the rules will not preclude such a situation as there is no requirement in the patent law that an actual reduction to practice occur as a condition precedent to filing a patent application.

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