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18 U.S.C. 2071 Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally. - Patent Laws

18 U.S.C. 2071 Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally.

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term "office" does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

(Amended Nov. 5, 1990, Public Law 101-510, sec. 552(a), 104 Stat. 1566; Sept. 13, 1994, Public Law 103-322, sec. 330016(1)(I), 108 Stat. 2147.)



Abandoned applications, fee on petition to revive

... 41(a)7

Abandonment of application by failure to prosecute

... 133, 371

Abandonment of invention:

Bar to patent

... 102

By violation of secrecy

... 182

Adjustment of patent term

... 154

Administrative Patent Judges

... 6

Administrator, executor, or guardian

... 117

Affidavits and depositions in contested cases, rules for taking

... 23

Agreement to terminate interference

... 135

Agriculture, Secretary of, to furnish information, and detail employees to Director for plant patent

... 164

Allowance and issue of patents

... 153

Allowance, notice of

... 151


Copying claim of issued patent

... 135

Time for

... 133, 135

Annual indexes of patents

... 10

Annual report of the Director

... 13

Apostille on assignment

... 261

Appeals to Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences

... 134


... 41(a)6, 134

Hearing of

... 6

Reexamination proceedings

... 306

Appeals to Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

... 141

Certificate of decision of Court recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 144

Determination of Appeal; revision of decision

... 144

From Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences

... 141

Grounds of decision to be furnished court

... 143

Notice of appeal

... 142

Proceedings on appeal

... 143

Applicant for foreign patent, license required

... 184

Applicant for international application

... 373

Applicant, notified of interference

... 135


Abandonment of, by failure to prosecute

... 133

Assignment of

... 261

Confidential while pending

... 122


... 120

Description; specification and claim

... 112


... 121


... 113

Effect of defective execution

... 26

Effective as of date of earliest foreign application in certain cases

... 119

Examination of invention

... 131

Fee on filing

... 41(a)1, 111

For deceased or insane inventors

... 117

May be made by legal representative of deceased or incapacitated inventor

... 117

Must be made within specified time after foreign application for right of priority

... 119

Oath of applicant (See Oath in patent application)

Owned by Government

... 267


... 111


... 102, 122, 181


... 251

Secrecy order

... 181

What to contain

... 111

When filed by other than inventor

... 118, 121

Appointments, how made

... 3

Arbitration of interferences

... 135

Arbitration, voluntary

... 294

Article patented marked with number of patent

... 287


May file application in certain cases

... 118

May file divisional application

... 121

May file reissue application

... 251

Patent may be issued to

... 152

Assignments, patent

... 261

Establishing prima facie execution of

... 261

Fees for recording

... 41(a)10

Must be recorded in United States Patent and Trademark Office to issue patent to assignee

... 152

Patent may issue to assignee

... 152

Recording in Patent and Trademark Office

... 261

Attorney fees in infringement suit

... 285

Attorneys and agents:

May be refused recognition for misconduct

... 32

Petition to District Court, DC

... 32

Suspension or exclusion from practice

... 32

Unauthorized practitioners

... 33


Bars to grant of a patent

... 102, 103

Benefit of earlier filing date in foreign country

... 119

Benefit of earlier filing date in United States

... 120

Best mode required

... 112

Bill in equity (See Civil action)

Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, how constituted

... 6


Certificate of correction:

Applicant's mistake

... 255

Fee for applicant's mistake

... 41(a)8

Office mistake

... 254

Certified copies:

Fee for certification

... 41(a)11

Of drawings and specifications of patents issued

... 9

Of records, furnished to Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in appeals

... 143

Citation of prior art in patent

... 301

Citizenship required in oath

... 115

Civil action:

Election of in case of interference

... 141


... 291

In case of interference

... 146

Jurisdiction, plurality of parties, foreign party

... 146

To obtain patent

... 145

Claim of patent:

Independent or dependent

... 41, 112

Independent or dependent, validity

... 282

Invalid, effect of

... 253

Invalid, suits on patent with

... 288

Notice of rejection

... 132

Too extensive or narrow, remedy

... 251

What to cover

... 112

Classification of patents

... 8

Clerk of United States Court may summon witness in

Interference cases

... 24

Must notify Director of patent suits

... 290

Commerce, Department of, United States Patent and Trademark Office in

... 1

Commerce, Secretary of:

Appointments by

... 3

Commissioner for Patents:

How appointed and duties

... 3

Member of Board

... 6

Commonly owned invention and reference subject matter

... 103

Compensation, right to because of secrecy order

... 183

Composition of matter:


... 101

Specimens of ingredients may be required

... 114

Concealment of records

... 18 U.S.C. 2071

Confidential status of application

... 122, 205

Continuing application

... 120

Contributory infringement

... 271

Copies of records, fees

... 41

Correction of inventors in patent

... 256

Correction of letters patent

... 254, 255


Damages for infringement

... 284

Day of taking any action or paying any fee falling on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday

... 21

Death or incapacity of inventor

... 117

Decisions in patent cases, printing of

... 10

Declaration in lieu of oath

... 25

Dedication of term

... 253

Defective execution of documents, effect of

... 26

Defenses in action for infringement

... 282


... 100, 351

Deposit with United States Postal Service

... 21

Depositions, Director may establish rules for

... 23

Deputy Commissioner

... 6

Member of Board

... 6

Description of invention

... 112

Design patents:

Double recovery, not allowed

... 289


... 41(a)3

For what granted

... 171

Liability for infringement of

... 289

Penalty for unauthorized use of patented design

... 289

Prior foreign applications

... 172

Right of priority

... 172

Subject to same provisions as other patents

... 171

Term of

... 173

Unauthorized use of

... 289

Designated office

... 363, 366, 367, 371, 372

Determination of patent term adjustment

... 154


Annual report to Congress

... 13

Consult with Patent Public Advisory Committee

... 3

Duties of

... 6

How appointed

... 3

Intellectual Property Policy Issues, advises President, Federal Departments

... 2

May disbar attorneys

... 32

May establish charges

... 41

May make rules for taking affidavits and depositions

... 23

Member of Board

... 6

Reexamination order

... 304

Shall cause examination to be made

... 131

To establish regulations

... 3

To furnish court with grounds of decision, on appeal

... 143

To prescribe rules and regulations governing recognition of attorneys and agents

... 2

To sign patents or have name printed thereon and attested

... 153

To superintend grant of patents

... 3

Disbarment of attorneys and agents

... 32



... 41(a)5

How filed and by whom

... 253

Must be filed before commencement of suit to recover costs

... 288

Nature of

... 253

District Court for District of Columbia:


... 146

Review of disbarment of attorneys and agents

... 32

Division of application

... 121

Division of patent on reissue

... 251


Attached to patent

... 154

Part of patent

... 154

Printing of

... 10

When necessary

... 113

Duties of Director

... 3


Elected office

... 371, 372

Employees of United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 3

How appointed

... 3

Restrictions on as to interest in patents

... 4

English language

... 361

Entry into national phase in United States

... 371

Error in naming inventors

... 116

Establishment of date of invention by reference to knowledge or use in foreign country

... 104

Establishment, United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 1


Applicants shall be notified of rejection on

... 132

To be made of application and alleged invention

... 131

Exchange of United States Patent and Trademark Office Publications for other publications

... 10

Exchange of printed copies of patents and published application of patents with foreign countries

... 11

Executors, administrators or guardians

... 117

Extension of patent term

... 155

Extension of time to reply fee

... 41(a)8


Falsely making or labeling articles as patented

... 292

Federal agency, defined

... 200

Federal Assistance, inventions made with:


... 205


... 201

Disposition of rights

... 202

Domestic and foreign protection of federally owned inventions

... 207

Educational awards

... 212

March-in rights

... 203

Policy and objective of

... 200

Precedence of chapter over other Acts

... 210

Preference for United States industry

... 204

Regulations governing Federal licensing

... 208

Relationship to antitrust laws

... 211

Restrictions on licensing of federally owned inventions

... 209

Uniform clauses and regulations

... 206


Amount of

... 41

For attorney awarded by court

... 285

For records, publications, and services not specified in statute

... 41

How paid and refunded

... 42

Independent inventor, 50% reduction

... 41(h)


... 361, 376

Nonprofit organization, 50% reduction

... 41(h)

Payable to Director

... 42(a)

Small business, 50% reduction

... 41(h)

Small entity, 50% reduction

... 41(h), 133

To witness interference cases

... 24

Filing application by other than inventor

... 118

Filing date requirements

... 111

Filing fee, Amount of

... 41(a)1

Foreign applications:

License to file required

... 184

Penalty for filing without license

... 185, 186

Foreign countries, exchange of printed copies of patents and published application of patents with

... 11

Foreign country, knowledge of use in, not used to establish date of invention

... 102, 104

Foreign patentee:


... 293


... 293

Foreign patents:

Copies of, exchanged for United States patents and published application of patents

... 11

Prior, effect on United States application for patent

... 102

Foreign priority

... 119(a)-(d), 365, 373

Fraudulent statements

... 18 U.S.C. 1001

Funding agreement, defined

... 200


Government interests in patents

... 267


Holiday, time for action expiring on

... 21


Importation of products made by a patented process

... 295

Improvements, patents may be granted for

... 101

Indexes of patents and patentees, printing of

... 10

Infringement, patent: Action for

... 281

Attorney fees

... 285

By United States, time limitation in suit for

... 286

Clerk of court to notify United States Patent and Trademark Office of suit

... 290


... 271

Damages for

... 284

Defenses in suit for

... 273, 282


... 271

Design patent

... 289


... 283

Notice of, necessary to recovery of damages

... 287

Pleading defense and special matters to be proved in suit

... 282

Suit for, when a claim is invalid

... 288

Temporary presence in United States

... 272

Time limitation

... 286

Injunctions may be granted by court having jurisdiction

... 283

Insane persons, patent applications of

... 117

Interference, patent:

Agreements, between parties, relating to termination, to be filed in Patent and Trademark Office

... 135

Appeal to court

... 141


... 135

Determination of priority

... 102, 135

Parties to be notified of

... 135

Review of decision by civil action

... 145, 146

Rules for taking testimony

... 23

International application

... 351, 365, 366, 367, 375


... 376

National phase in United States

... 371

Priority rights

... 365

Interfering patent:

How set aside

... 291

Jurisdiction, plurality of parties, foreign party

... 146, 291

Relief against

... 291

International Bureau

... 351, 361, 362, 371

International Preliminary Examining Authority

... 362, 364, 368

International Searching Authority

... 351, 362, 364, 368

International studies

... 2

Intervening rights on reissue

... 252

Invalid patent claim disclaimer

... 288

Invalidity of term extension

... 282

Invention date as affected by activity abroad

... 104

Invention, defined

... 100

Invention made abroad

... 104

Inventions promotion, improper and deceptive

... 297

Inventions in outer space

... 105

Inventions patentable

... 101

Inventions previously patented abroad

... 102

Inventive step

... 103


Correction of patent

... 256

Death or incapacity

... 117

May obtain patent

... 101

Oath for joint

... 116

Refuses to sign

... 118

To make application

... 111

Inventor's certificate as reference

... 102

Inventor's certificate priority right

... 119

Issue of patent

... 151

Issue fee

... 41

If not paid within three months, patent withheld

... 151


... 41, 151

Payment of

... 151


Joint inventors

... 116, 256

Joint owners

... 262

Jurisdiction of District Court for District of Columbia

... 32


Knowledge or use in foreign country no bar to patent

... 102


Legal representative of dead or incapacitated inventor

... 117

Liability of States

... 296

Libraries, public, copies of patents and published applications for patents for

... 12, 41


... 7

License for foreign filing

... 184

Limitation on damages

... 154, 286, 287


Machines patentable

... 100

Maintenance fees

... 41(b)

Late payment

... 41(c)

Manufactures patentable

... 101

Marking articles falsely as patented

... 292

Marking articles patented

... 287

Misjoinder of inventor

... 116, 202, 256

Mistake in patent, certificate thereof issued

... 254, 255

Model, shall be furnished if required

... 114


Paid by mistake or in excess, refunded

... 42

Received for fees, etc. to be paid into Treasury

... 42

Multiple dependent claim

... 112


... 41

Mutilation of records

... 18 U.S.C. 2071


National Security

... 3, 122, 181

National stage of international application

... 371, 372, 373

New matter inadmissible in reissue

... 251

New matter, may not be introduced by amendment

... 132

Nonjoinder of inventor

... 256


... 103

Nonprofit organization, defined

... 200

Nonresident patentee

... 293

Notice as regards patents:

As to proof in infringement suits

... 282

Of allowance of patent

... 151

Of appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

... 142, 143

Of interference

... 135

Of patent suit, decision to be given United States Patent and Trademark Office by clerk of court

... 290

Of rejection of an application

... 132

Of suit to be entered on file of patent

... 290

To the public by Federal agency

... 209

To the public that invention is patented

... 287


... 102


Oath in patent application

... 115, 152

Before whom taken in foreign countries

... 25, 115

Before whom taken in the United States

... 115

Declaration in lieu of

... 25

Joint inventors

... 116

Must be made by inventor, if living

... 115

Requirements of

... 115

To be made by legal representative if inventor is dead or incapacitated

... 117


... 103

Officer of United States Patent and Trademark Office may attest patents

... 153

Officers and employees:

Of United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 3

Of United States Patent and Trademark Office, restrictions on as to interests in patents

... 4

Official Gazette:

Exchange for publications

... 11

Printing and distribution of

... 11

Public Advisory Committee Report

... 5

Owners, joint

... 262

Ownership assignment

... 261


Paris Convention

... 119

Patent and Trademark Office: See United States Patent and Trademark Office

Patent Cooperation Treaty:


... 351

Patent fees

... 41

Disposition of

... 42

Patent laws, printing of

... 10

Patent pending, false marking as

... 292

Patent Public Advisory Committee

... 3, 5

Appointment, timing and basis

... 5


... 5

Consultation with Director

... 3, 5

Patent term adjustment

... 154

Patent term extension

... 155

Patent term extension application

... 156

Patent term restoration

... 155A

Patentability, conditions for

... 102, 103

Patentable inventions

... 101

Patented article, marked as such

... 287



... 100

Notified of interference

... 135


Application for

... 111

Assignment of

... 261

Based on international application

... 375

Certified copies of

... 9

Classification of

... 8

Contents and duration of

... 154

Copies supplied to public libraries

... 12, 41

Copying claim of

... 135

Date, duration, and form

... 154

Design (See Design patents)

Effect of adverse interference decision

... 135

Exchange of printed copies with foreign countries

... 11

Fee on issuing

... 41

Filing application in foreign country

... 184

For what granted

... 101

Foreign knowledge or use no bar to grant of

... 102

How issued, attested, and recorded

... 153

May be granted to assignee

... 152

May be withheld in certain cases

... 181

Obtainable by civil action

... 145

Personal property

... 261

Presumption of validity

... 282

Price of copies

... 41(a)9

Printing of

... 10

Reissuing of, when defective

... 251

Rights of invention made with federal assistance

... 200 - 212

Restrictions on officers and employees of United States Patent and Trademark Office as to interest in

... 4

Surrender of, to take effect on reissue

... 251


... 154, 155, 166A, 156

Term adjustment

... 154

Term extension

... 155, 156

Term restoration

... 155A

Time of issue, payment of issue fee

... 151

To be authenticated by seal of United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 2

When to issue

... 151

Withheld for nonpayment of issue fee

... 151

Patent rights in inventions made with Federal


... 200-212


... 205


... 201

Disposition of rights

... 202

Domestic and foreign protection of federally owned inventions

... 207

Educational awards

... 212

March-in rights

... 203

Policy and objective of

... 200

Precedence of chapter over other Acts

... 210

Preference for United States industry

... 204

Regulations governing federal licensing

... 208

Relationship to antitrust laws

... 211

Restrictions on licensing of federally owned inventions

... 209

Uniform clauses and regulations

... 206

Period for response

... 21, 133

Photolithography, Headings of drawings printed

... 10

Plant patents:


... 162, 164


... 162, 163


... 41

Nature of right

... 163

Plants patentable

... 161

Secretary of Agriculture to furnish information and detail employees

... 164

Pleading and proof in action for infringement

... 282

Postal Service deposit

... 21

Practical application, defined

... 200

Pre-issuance opposition, when prohibited

... 122

Presumption of product made by patented process

... 295

Presumption of validity of patents

... 282

Printed publication bar to a patent

... 102


Decisions in patent cases

... 10

Of papers filed

... 22

United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 10

Printing headings of drawings by United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 10

Prior art, citation of

... 301

Prior patenting or publication bar to patent

... 102

Priority, foreign

... 119, 365

Priority of invention

... 102

Priority of invention, determined by Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences

... 135

Priority, right of, under treaty or law

... 119

For design applications

... 172

Process defined

... 100

Process Patent Amendment Act of 1988

... 287

Process patentable

... 101

Product made by patent process

... 295

Property of United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 2

Provisional applications

... 111, 119

Provisional rights

... 154

Protest and pre-issuance opposition, when prohibited

... 122

Public use or sale

... 102

Of invention bar to a patent

... 102

Publication of international application, effect

... 374

Publication of patent applications

... 122, 181

Publications regarding patents and trademarks

... 10


Receiving Office

... 351, 361, 364, 367, 368

Recording of assignments

... 261

Reexamination order by Director

... 304, 313

Reexamination procedure


... 134, 141, 306, 315

Certificate of patentability, unpatentability, and claim cancellation

... 307, 316

Conduct of reexamination proceedings

... 305, 314

Determination of issue by Director

... 303, 312

Determination of new question

... 303, 312

Ex Parte

... 302-307

Inter Partes

... 311-318

When prohibited

... 317


... 302, 311

Special dispatch

... 305, 314

Stay of litigation

... 318

Reexamination to be made after first rejection, if desired

... 132

References, to be cited on examination

... 132

Refund of money paid by mistake or in excess

... 42

Reissue of patents:

Application fee

... 41(a)4

Application may be made by assignee in certain cases

... 251

By reason of defective claims

... 251

Effect of

... 252

For unexpired term of original patent

... 251

Intervening rights

... 252

Of defective patents

... 251

To contain no new matter

... 251

Rejection, applicant shall be notified of reasons for

... 132

Remedy for infringement of patent

... 281

Removal of records

... 18 U.S.C. 2071

Report to Congress, annual

... 13

Request for reexamination proceeding

... 302, 311

Restoration of patent

... 155A

Restrictions on officers and employees of United States Patent and Trademark Office as to interest in patents

... 4

Retention of revenue

... 2

Revival if delay unavoidable

... 133

Right of foreign priority

... 365

Right to compensation because of secrecy order

... 183

Rules for taking testimony, Director to establish

... 23

Rules of practice:

Authority for

... 2

Printing of

... 10


Saturday, time for action expiring on

... 21

Seal of United States Patent and Trademark Office

... 2

Secrecy of applications

... 122

Secrecy of certain inventions

... 181 - 188

Secrecy of international application

... 368

Secrecy order

... 181

Small business firm, defined

... 200

Small entity status

... 2, 41


Contents of

... 112

If defective, reissue to correct

... 251

Part of patent

... 154

Printing of

... 10, 41

Uncertified copies, price of

... 41

Specimens, may be required

... 114

Statutory invention registration

... 157

Subpoenas to witnesses

... 24

Suit against the United States

... 286

Suit in equity (See Civil action)

Sunday, time for action expiring on

... 21

Surcharge for later filing of fee or oath

... 111


Term extension:

For administrative delays

... 154

For delays due to interference, secrecy orders, and/or appellate review

... 154

Regulatory review

... 156

Term of patent:


... 173

Disclaimer of

... 253


... 155, 156


... 154


... 155A

Testimony, rules for taking

... 23


Expiring on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday

... 21

For payment of issue fee

... 151

For taking action in Government cases

... 267

Limitation on damages

... 286

Within which action must be taken

... 133

Title of invention

... 154

Trademark fees

... 42(c)

Trademarks, reference to

... 1, 2, 3, 10

Translation error in international application

... 375


Unauthorized disclosure

... 182

Unauthorized person may not lawfully assist persons in transaction of business before the Office

... 33

Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property

... 6

United States as designated office

... 363

United States, defined

... 100

United States Patent and Trademark Office:

In Department of Commerce

... 1


... 7


... 10

Rules, authority for

... 2

Seal of

... 2

Unpatented article, penalty for deceptive marking

... 292

Use in foreign countries, no bar to grant of patent

... 102


Verified translation requirement

... 372

Voluntary arbitration

... 294


Withdrawal of international application

... 366

Withholding of patent

... 181


Failing to attend or refusing to testify

... 24

Fees of, interference cases

... 24

In interference summoned by clerk of United States court

... 24

When in contempt, punishment

... 24