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302.07 Assignment Document Must Be Accompanied by a Cover Sheet - 300 Ownership and Assignment
302.07 Assignment Document Must Be Accompanied by a Cover Sheet
37 CFR 3.28 Requests for recording.
Each document submitted to the Office for recording must include at least one cover sheet as specified in § 3.31 referring either to those patent applications and patents, or to those trademark applications and registrations, against which the document is to be recorded. If a document to be recorded includes interests in, or transactions involving, both patents and trademarks, separate patent and trademark cover sheets should be submitted. Only one set of documents and cover sheets to be recorded should be filed. If a document to be recorded is not accompanied by a completed cover sheet, the document and the incomplete cover sheet will be returned pursuant to § 3.51 for proper completion. The document and a completed cover sheet should be resubmitted.
37 CFR 3.31 Cover sheet content.
(a) Each patent or trademark cover sheet required by § 3.28 must contain:
(1) The name of the party conveying the interest;
(2) The name and address of the party receiving the interest;
(3) A description of the interest conveyed or transaction to be recorded;
(4) Identification of the interests involved:
(i) For trademark assignments and trademark name changes: Each trademark registration number and each trademark application number, if known, against which the Office is to record the document. If the trademark application number is not known, a copy of the application or a reproduction of the trademark must be submitted, along with an estimate of the date that the Office received the application; or
(ii) For any other document affecting title to a trademark or patent application, registration or patent: Each trademark or patent application number or each trademark registration number or patent against which the document is to be recorded, or an indication that the document is filed together with a patent application;
(5) The name and address of the party to whom correspondence concerning the request to record the document should be mailed;
(6) The date the document was executed;
(7) An indication that the assignee of a trademark application or registration who is not domiciled in the United States has designated a domestic representative (see § 3.61); and
(8) The signature of the party submitting the document.
(b) A cover sheet should not refer to both patents and trademarks, since any information, including information about pending patent applications, submitted with a request for recordation of a document against a trademark application or trademark registration will become public record upon recordation.
(c) Each patent cover sheet required by § 3.28 seeking to record a governmental interest as provided by § 3.11(b) must:
(1) Indicate that the document is to be recorded on the Governmental Register, and, if applicable, that the document is to be recorded on the Secret Register (see § 3.58); and
(2) Indicate, if applicable, that the document to be recorded is not a document affecting title (see § 3.41(b)).
(d) Each trademark cover sheet required by § 3.28 seeking to record a document against a trademark application or registration should include, in addition to the serial number or registration number of the trademark, identification of the trademark or a description of the trademark, against which the Office is to record the document.
(e) Each patent or trademark cover sheet required by § 3.28 should contain the number of applications, patents or registrations identified in the cover sheet and the total fee.
Each assignment document submitted to the Office for recording must be accompanied by a cover sheet as required by 37 CFR 3.28. The cover sheet for patents or patent applications must contain:
(A) The name of the party conveying the interest;
(B) The name and address of the party receiving the interest;
(C) A description of the interest conveyed or transaction to be recorded;
(D) Each patent application number or patent number against which the document is to be recorded, or an indication that the document is filed together with a patent application;
(E) The name and address of the party to whom correspondence concerning the request to record the document should be mailed;
(F) The date the document was executed; and
(G) The signature of the party submitting the document.
Each patent cover sheet should contain the number of patent applications or patents identified in the cover sheet and the total fee.
Examples of the type of descriptions of the interest conveyed or transaction to be recorded that can be identified are:
(A) assignment;
(B) security agreement;
(C) merger;
(D) change of name;
(E) license;
(F) foreclosure;
(G) lien; and
(H) contract.
Cover sheets required by 37 CFR 3.28 seeking to record a governmental interest must also (1) indicate that the document is to be recorded on the Governmental Register, and, if applicable, that the document is to be recorded on the Secret Register (see 37 CFR 3.58); and (2) indicate, if applicable, that the document to be recorded is not a document affecting title.
A patent cover sheet may not refer to trademark applications or registrations.
Form PTO-1595, Recordation Form Cover Sheet, may be used as the cover sheet for recording documents relating to patent(s) and/or patent application(s) in the Office.
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