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35 U.S.C. 368 Secrecy of certain inventions; filing international applications in foreign countries. - Patent Laws

35 U.S.C. 368 Secrecy of certain inventions; filing international applications in foreign countries.

(a) International applications filed in the Patent and Trademark Office shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 17 of this title.

(b) In accordance with article 27 (8) of the treaty, the filing of an international application in a country other than the United States on the invention made in this country shall be considered to constitute the filing of an application in a foreign country within the meaning of chapter 17 of this title, whether or not the United States is designated in that international application.

(c) If a license to file in a foreign country is refused or if an international application is ordered to be kept secret and a permit refused, the Patent and Trademark Office when acting as a Receiving Office, International Searching Authority, or International Preliminary Examining Authority, may not disclose the contents of such application to anyone not authorized to receive such disclosure.

(Added Nov. 14, 1975, Public Law 94-131, sec. 1, 89 Stat. 687; amended Nov. 8, 1984, Public Law 98-622, sec. 403(a), 98 Stat. 3392; Nov. 6, 1986, Public Law 99-616, sec. 6, 100 Stat. 3486.)


371    National stage: Commencement.

372    National stage: Requirements and procedure.

373    Improper applicant.

374    Publication of international application: Effect.

375    Patent issued on international application: Effect.

376    Fees.

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