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2216 Substantial New Question of Patentability [R-2] - 2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

2216 Substantial New Question of Patentability [R-2]

Under 35 U.S.C. 304, the Office must determine whether "a substantial new question of patentability" affecting any claim of the patent has been raised. 37 CFR 1.510(b)(1) requires that a request for >ex parte< reexamination include "a statement pointing out each substantial new question of patentability based on prior patents and printed publications." If such a new question is found, an order for >ex parte< reexamination of the patent is issued. It is therefore important that the request clearly set forth in detail what the requester considers the "substantial new question of patentability" to be in view of prior patents and printed publications. The request should point out how any questions of patentability raised are substantially different from those raised in the previous examination of the patent before the Office. If a substantial new question of patentability is found as to one claim, all claims will be reexamined during the ex parte reexamination process. See also MPEP § 2242.

Questions relating to grounds of rejection other than those based on prior art patents or printed publications should not be included in the request and will not be considered by the examiner if included. Examples of such questions that will not be considered are public use, on sale, and fraud.

Affidavits or declarations which explain the contents or pertinent dates of prior >art< patents or printed publications in more detail may be considered in reexamination. See MPEP § 2258.

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