2700 Patent Terms and Extensions

2700 Patent Terms and Extensions
2701 Patent Term
2710 Term Extensions or Adjustments for Delays Within the USPTO Under 35 U.S.C. 154
2720 Applications Filed Between June 8, 1995, and May 28, 2000
2730 Applications Filed on or After May 29, 2000; Grounds for Adjustment
2731 Period of Adjustment
2732 Reduction of Period of Adjustment of Patent Term
2733 Patent Term Adjustment Determination
2734 Application for Patent Term Adjustment; Due Care Showing
2735 Request for Reconsideration of Patent Term Adjustment Determination
2736 Third Party Papers
2750 Patent Term Extension for Delays at other Agencies under 35 U.S.C. 156
2751 Eligibility Requirements
2752 Patent Term Extension Applicant
2753 Application Contents
2754 Filing Date
2754.01 Deadline for Filing an Application Under 35 U.S.C. 156(d)(1)
2754.02 Filing Window for an Application Under 35 U.S.C. 156(d)(5)
2754.03 Filing of a Request for an Extension Under 35 U.S.C. 156(e)(2)
2755 Eligibility Determination
2755.01 Interim Extension of Patent Term During the Processing of the Application
2755.02 Interim Extension of Patent Term Before Product Approval
2756 Correspondence Between the USPTO and the Regulatory Agency
2757 Regulatory Agency Determination of the Length of the Regulatory Review Period
2757.01 Due Diligence Determination
2758 Notice of Final Determination - Calculation of Patent Term Extension
2759 Certificate of Extension of Patent Term
2760 Trade Secret, Confidential, and Protective Order Material
2761 Multiple Applications for Extension of Term of the Same Patent or of Different Patents for the Same Regulatory Review Period for a Product
2762 Duty of Disclosure in Patent Term Extension Proceedings
2763 Limitation of Third Party Participation
2764 Express Withdrawal of Application for Extension of Patent Term

2700 Patent Terms and Extensions

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